Medical Equipment Repair
Our medical customers include hospitals and service organisations as well as maintenance companies and even manufacturers. Having completed many and varied types of repairs, our experience and knowledge of medical equipment repair is simply unmatched. Our technical insight and knowledge combined with our certified processes mean that we ensure that defective hardware is restored to full OEM functional specifications and this is guaranteed. We are constantly researching and introducing new advanced repair solutions to the market which have been proven to reduce costs for our customers, reducing or eliminating the need to completely replace out of warranty or legacy equipment.
Our repair solutions provide our customers with a solution that is in some cases impossible to get anywhere else and significantly cheaper than the solutions provided by the original equipment manufacturers. We can repair equipment that is many years old that has expired warranty and is impossible to find replacements. This is where our expertise can really help and adds value for our customers.
We have many repair solutions for a vast range of products including:
- Motor & ServoControllers Repair
- Heat Exchangers/Chillers Repair
- System & Controller Boards (PCBs) Repair
- Monitors & Displays, both CRT & Flat Panel Repair
- Magneto Optical Devices & Other Storage Media Repair
- Cameras & Photo Printers Repair
- Electro Mechanical & Mechanical Devices Repair
- Workstations including SGI, Sun, HP & DELL Repair
- Power Supplies & System Boards (PCBs) Repair
- Keypads / Trackballs Repair
- Touch Screen Displays Repair
- Developer Units Repair
- Dental Sensor Repair
- Medical Imaging Equipment Repair
- x-Ray Sensor Repair
- Plotters & Printers Repair
- Probes & sensors Repair
- Tubes & Transmitters Repair
Electronic Repair Ireland have a a background of over 25 years in repairing and maintaining a wide and ever-changing range of medical, clinical and imaging equipment. Our technicians and engineers have a lot of electronics and mechanical expertise in performing a broad range of OEM repairs, eliminating downtime and medical equipment repair delays, and creating typical operating cost savings of up to 70%.